2 min readApr 6, 2021

Higher Order Components in React

A higher order component (HOC) in react is an advanced technique of reusing components.Basically it is a kind of common wrapper function that can take in wrapped components and convert it to a new form.

So essentially ,

A higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a new component.

const EnhancedComponent = higherOrderComponent(WrappedComponent);

I am showing a common example of how higher order component works:-

So,here I am making a new Button .The look of the button will be based on the style that will be passed.

We have a App.js where we are declaring the ButtonOne component

<ButtonOne disable></ButtonOne>

Now defining our ButtonOne component as:-

import React from ‘react’;import stylesWrapper from ‘../HOC/stylesWrapper’const ButtonOne = (props) => {return (<button style={props.styles}>I am ButtonOne</button>);}export default stylesWrapper(ButtonOne);

essentially what we are doing here is wrapping the buttonOne component inside the stylesWrapper.

Now defining HOC which will be function that will return component with new props and logic .

StylesWrapper.js File

import React from 'react';import commonStyles from '../styles/commonStyles';const translateProps=(props)=>{let _styles={...commonStyles.default};if(props.disable){_styles={..._styles,...commonStyles.disable}}const newProps={...props,styles:_styles}return newProps;}export default (WrappedComponent)=>{return function wrappedRender(args){return WrappedComponent(translateProps(args))}}

Here, we are defining a function called translateProps that will take all the props from the wrapped component and apply logic and return us the new props .

After that we are creating the HOC where we are creating a function that returns the component on applying translateProps() on that component .

Hope you understood the topic .

For more information you can go to the official doc :


Written by grbknr1996


An Engineer trying to work in the web

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